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Saturday 19 April 2008

Charity cases in talent contests

The reason why I rarely watch TV is because the majority of it in the UK consists of talent (less) contests/shows. The whole thing is so tiring, with most talent contests consisting of singers. The majority of the singers who win these programmes do not go on to achieve much success. There are of course, exceptions, but only a handful.

The thing I detest the most however, is the almost compulsive desire of the producers to portray a charity case in every talent show series.

I sense you may be confused. In my mind the 'charity case' is the singer who has extremely personal reasons for singing on national TV, who cries in front of everyone, and who gets through every round usually because of their sad story.

I tonight watched 'Britain's Got Talent' which I actually quite enjoyed, because unusually, it has a variety of people with a variety of good and bad performances. But this was completely spoiled by the final performance: the charity case.

This episodes charity case was a woman from the Phillipines, who came to Britain to perform, in order for her children to have 'a better future.'


If that woman cared so much about her children she would have found a steady job, and not risked it all on a talent show. Of course, she made sure she cried on stage, and told her story to gain the audience and judge support.

To be fair, she sang well. But I honestly feel that background stories should stay out of these contests in order for it to remain impartial and unbiased.

Of course, she went through to the next round...

Sunday 13 April 2008

Have you ever made a wikipedia page about yourself?

I have.

Usually it consists of me being labelled the greatest person of all time. I have attached one of the previous articles for your amusement. Note how diverse I am.


Monday 7 April 2008

Is there such a thing as a perfect web host?

I bought a web domain the other first one! Since then I have constantly been looking at various hosts trying to find someone who offers a great package with an even greater price. I'm not sure that such a thing exists...

I have looked in lots of's pretty boring. The confusing this is that one person says that a certain web host is terrible, and the next person says completely the opposite! So how am I supposed to choose?!

I think the safe bet is probably to choose a host that is well known, such as godaddy or 123reg and just go for it! To be honest, I'm not even sure what I need!

Ah well, confusing indeed. Hopefully I will find something good, so that I can start the website. I must issue apologies...I cannot impart the site details. It's top secret. If I told you, I would have to kill you...or at least hug you to death.

Friday 4 April 2008

TV = waste of time!

TV in the UK is terrible. The majority of 'evening entertainment' consists of desperate 'celebrities' vying for attention, and 'documentaries' about people with several heads which pretend to be factual, and scientific, but actually just give people an excuse to laugh at the things that are not 'normal.'

I think it often seems the case that TV was much better when we were younger. I say 'seems' because when we are younger, perhaps we are more open to a variety of programmes.
When I look through the channels (I don't have sky, but I have freeview) there is very little that catches the eye. The few things that do are The Apprentice, Property Ladder and Top Gear. I also like some comedy like Friends, and Scrubs. Other than that unless there's a film, there's very little choice.

Even as I speak there is this total rubbish called 'Super Nanny' on TV. (Not my choice!) I mean my God, at what point did someone decide that a podgy little woman with a serious face can go into people's houses and teach them how to discipline their kids? Ridiculous.

Anyway, rant over!

Thursday 3 April 2008

The infection is spreading...

I'm feeling rather thoughtful's interesting to see that the blog is being viewed worldwide. I suppose it's something to be expected since it's on the world wide web, but it's great to look at the map, and know that so many different people in different cultures are taking the time to read it! So thank you! :) I'm hoping to expand into eastern europe, and also into asia, as the blog tends to be struggling in those areas! The blog has had views in about half of the american states which is interesting, and obviously has a lot of views in the UK. The rest tend to be rather scattered!

Wednesday 2 April 2008


Well...I...I can't...I don't...really...

I'm not sure what to say. Actually I am: I hate it when people do not respond to polite questions/enquiries.

I won't name my University, because I heard something about students getting in trouble for 'slagging off' their universities online. But mine is crap. Seriously. Nice place, crap university.

I would say the the majority of the times I have needed help and emailed tutors, they have failed to respond to me. Seriously, what is the point in having a university email system if they don't use it? To be honest I would actually be less annoyed if they didn't use it. I think it's more of a case of the tutors ignoring emails.

Yesterday I emailed a tutor because I didn't understand the essay question I had been set. I don't often ask for help, so when I do, I expect it. But of course knowing my university, no response!

The ridiculous thing is that a friend of mine today emailed the same tutor, and he emailed her back, on the same day! This is the day after I had sent an email marked 'important.'

To be honest I find it extremely rude that they are so selective with who they help. My question was perfectly clear, and didn't require much thought before responding.

I have since emailed the same tutor again, being somewhat less polite and more forceful this time. I will basically sue him if he doesn't respond this time! I think with the ridiculous price that people have to pay to have a degree, everyone deserves to be helped and to betreated with respect.
